Mr Chris Roberts
Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Collective Worship Lead, School Council Lead & PSHE Lead
Miss Anna Carr
SENCO, EYFS Teacher and Lead, Deputy DSL, English Lead, History and Geography Lead
Mrs Frances Howie
Key Stage 1 Teacher and Lead, RE Lead, Science Lead & Music Lead
Mrs Fiona Burn
LKS2 Teacher and Lead, Maths Lead, PE Lead and Computing Lead
Mrs Lynda Wright
Office Manager
Mrs Anne Morning
Finance Officer
All local authority maintained schools are required to publish annually on their websites the number of individuals (if any) earning over £100k a year. This information is required to be published in bands of £10k.
At 01/09/2023 no staff at the school earn more than £100k a year.
Mrs Claire Wakenshaw
Senior Mental Health Lead, Thrive Practitioner and Teaching Assistant
Mrs Zoe Rawlings
Forest School Leader and Teaching Assistant
Miss Clare Scott
School Unit Manager
Mrs Debbie Brawls
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Janine Gillie
Catering Assistant
Mr Jason Hogg